For a simulation of a laser-based sensor I am designing, I want to verify how four points projected on a surface would appear from a camera. And so I have undertaken to implement a Graphics3D visualization.
The visualization places 4 lasers in a pyramid-like arrangement with a camera 20 centimeters two one side viewing the laser's projections. My notebook code produces two views: one outside a room the sensor would operate within and a second view point which represents the camera which is rotated with the lasers. The Euler angles and x,y,z coordinates of the camera-laser ensemble can be controlled using sliders.
My problem is that in the simulation the camera is be being automatically oriented. And so the view from a real physical camera is not reproduced because Mathematica is adjusting the viewpoint. If the camera and laser rotated together than rotations in Psi would cause the camera to rotate in lockstep with the laser and the view should be unchanged. Likewise shifts in x and y shouldn't make the camera jiggle so.
How can I control the camera orientation to produce a more coherent simulation?
The notebook code is:
\[Delta] = N[(38*Degree)/2];
PointPlaneIntersection[{{x1_, y1_, z1_},
{x2_, y2_, z2_}, {x3_, y3_, z3_}},
{{x4_, y4_, z4_}, {x5_, y5_, z5_}}] :=
Module[{t = -Det[{{1, 1, 1, 1}, {x1, x2, x3, x4},
{y1, y2, y3, y4}, {z1, z2, z3, z4}}]/
Det[{{1, 1, 1, 0}, {x1, x2, x3, x5 - x4},
{y1, y2, y3, y5 - y4}, {z1, z2, z3,
z5 - z4}}]}, Point[{x4 + t*(x5 - x4),
y4 + t*(y5 - y4), z4 + t*(z5 - z4)}]];
UnitSpherePoint[azimuth_, polar_] :=
{Cos[azimuth]*Sin[polar], Sin[azimuth]*Sin[polar],
Manipulate[rx := RotationMatrix[\[Theta], {1, 0, 0}];
ry := RotationMatrix[\[Phi], {0, 1, 0}];
rz := RotationMatrix[\[Psi], {0, 0, 1}];
line1 = {{x, y, z}, rx . ry . rz . UnitSpherePoint[0,
Pi + \[Delta]] + {x, y, z}};
line2 = {{x, y, z}, rx . ry . rz . UnitSpherePoint[
Pi/2, Pi + \[Delta]] + {x, y, z}};
line3 = {{x, y, z}, rx . ry . rz . UnitSpherePoint[
Pi, Pi + \[Delta]] + {x, y, z}};
line4 = {{x, y, z}, rx . ry . rz . UnitSpherePoint[
3*(Pi/2), Pi + \[Delta]] + {x, y, z}};
cline = {{x + 0.2, y, z},
rx . ry . rz . UnitSpherePoint[0, Pi] +
{x + 0.2, y, z}}; roomplane :=
{{0, 0, 0}, {30, 0, 0}, {0, 15, 0}};
Scene := Graphics3D[{Red, Opacity[1],
PointPlaneIntersection[roomplane, line1],
PointPlaneIntersection[roomplane, line2],
PointPlaneIntersection[roomplane, line3],
PointPlaneIntersection[roomplane, line4], White,
Opacity[0.1], Cuboid[{0, 0, 0}, {30, 15, 6}]},
Boxed -> False, Lighting -> "Neutral"];
Grid[{{Show[Scene], Show[Scene, ViewVector -> cline,
ViewAngle -> 64*Degree, RotationAction ->
"Clip"]}}], {{x, 15}, 0, 30}, {{y, 7.5}, 0, 15},
{{z, 3}, 0, 6}, {{\[Theta], Pi}, 0, 2*Pi},
{{\[Phi], Pi}, 0, 2*Pi}, {{\[Psi], Pi}, 0, 2*Pi}]