



Mathematica's notebook front end has provided a hugely productive next-generation development environment for over 13 years, particularly suited to technical computing but also more widely applicable.

What other languages have IDEs that allow code to be typeset and have inline graphics?

+2  A: 

Not quite what you're after, but Knuth's Literate Programming as implemented in CWEB is at least related.

+3  A: 

Well, you are really describing Mathematica, as far as I know. For typesetting folks, there is still CWEB by Donald Knuth, which fits a lot better into your standard latex book. And Self allows in-line graphics. Not quite as inline as Mathematica does, but close enough: Self.

+3  A: 

I believe Charles Simonyi's Intentional Programming system was intended so support all kinds of domain-specific notations. Typeset mathematical expressions would have been one example of a compatible notation.
