



Disclaimer: I'm not very familiar with any of the things mentioned in the question title.

Would it be possible to use a browser control (like Webkit) as a frontend for a WSGI app (using a framework like Flask) without starting a local WSGI server?

Basically the requests and responses are managed by a middle layer between the HTML UI and the WSGI backend. A certain URI could mean "Local", for instance "local://" or something similar, and will be routed to the embedded WSGI app with all the original headers etc.

You will lose any features that a normal WSGI server provides unless you implement it yourself or somehow embed a server that is also usable via an API instead of real HTTP requests.

Now that I think of it, this is the only real requirement: A WSGI server that is callable via an API and not just real HTTP requests.

I know the usefulness of this is questionable (and maybe doesn't even make sense). My question is whether this is at all possible?