



I have a fully-working web app that is accessible using Android's browser. The annoying part is the url bar uses a lot of the screen. Is there a way to make this web app a native Android app? I've read that webview can be used to embed a web site within the Android App.

Unfortunately, I only know web programming languages and have no Java experience. Will I still be able to do this on my own?

+1  A: 

You certainly will need some learning in java, you can start with reading the following :
Webview documentation
A very detailled tutorial (quite hard if you haven't any java basics)
A basic tutorial on webview usage.

+1  A: 

Have you looked at phonegap. It comes with a standalone app with a WebView embedded in it and with native android functionality support. You just need to provide your html/javascript app to it and you're done.
