



I need to create an output text file by deleting the first two lines of the input file.

At the moment I'm using sed "1,2d" input.txt > output.txt

I need to do this for thousands of files, so am using python:

import os
for filename in somelist:
  os.system('sed "1,2d" %s-in.txt > %s-out.txt'%(filename,filename))

but this is quite slow.

I need to keep the original file, so I can't sed in place.

Is there a way to do this faster? Using something other than sed?Perhaps using some other scripting language than python? Is it worth writing a short C program, or is the file-writing disk-access likely to be the bottleneck?

+6  A: 

Use tail. Doubt anything could be significantly faster:

tail -n +3 input.txt > output.txt

Wrap it in your loop of choice. But I really doubt sed is a whole ton slower - as you say, disk i/o is usually the ultimate bottleneck.

Thanks, I've just tried and it's essentially indistinguishable from the original in how long it takes to run (just like ghostdog's sed -i.bak), so I suspect it's an i/o bottleneck.
I know there's no way I'll get an answer but... why'd this get downvoted? It's *the* canonical way to do this operation in *nix.
+3  A: 
for file in *.ext
    sed -i.bak -n '3,$p' $file 

or just

sed -i.bak -n '3,$p' *.ext
That's very nice, thanks, but unfortunately it appears that i/o is the bottleneck.
+1  A: 

I think this will be faster than launching sed:

import os
import shutil

path = '/some/path/to/files/'
for filename in os.listdir(path):
    basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    fullname = os.path.join(path, filename)
    newname = os.path.join(path, basename + '-out' + ext)
    with open(fullname) as read:
        #skip first two lines
        for n in xrange(2):
        # hand the rest to shutil.copyfileobj
        with open(newname, 'w') as write:
            shutil.copyfileobj(read, write)