



I'm using VS2008 Pro and as such my c# project includes a bunch of Unit Tests written in the MS bundled unit test framework (sorry I have no idea what its official name is!). I would like to be able to run these unit tests as part of my build process.

Is it possible to get Nant to automatically run these Unit tests during a build?

+1  A: 

It is calld MSTest. You could just use the exec task to call the executable directly:

    <baseDirectory>PPRJECT LOCATION</baseDirectory>
    <buildArgs>/testcontainer:TestDLLs /runconfig:localtestrun.Testrunconfig /resultsfile:testResults.trx</buildArgs>

I am surprised it does not come with a task built in.

For reference here is a list of MSTest Command-Line options.

NB: these options are for VS2010, it is possible to view the Command-Line options from other VS versions by selecting the correct version on the page

Nant seems quite dead now, ms tests were not popular when it was still being developed.
I disagree, when the last update to nant was 2 days ago (August 17, 2010). I don't think you can really say its 'dead'!

The solution that worked for me is the following:

<exec program ="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe" >
    <arg value="/testcontainer:${Test_dll}"/>
    <arg value="/resultsfile:C:\Test\TestResults.trx"/>

This is just the basic nant element, although it is as extensible as the MSTest command line will allow.