



I am currently comparing available web frameworks to be used for my next projects. The only criterion I need are speed and portability, i.e shared hosting friendly.

I have tried Ruby on Rails, but its speed/performance is not good enough for me. I am interested in Django, but I think it is not that friendly on shared hosting - correct me if I am wrong. I have also taken a look at Yii and it seems promising, but I am more interested in framework based on other than PHP.

Do you have any suggestion for what framework should be used given that criterion?

Thank you in advance.

+1  A: 

I haven't tried it yet, but maybe is an option if you're interested in using django.

I think the user wants to know which _web framework_ to use and not which _web host_.
Manoj Govindan
+2  A: 

I'm afraid to say that most of hosting services only provides PHP, unfortunately.

Anyway, CakePHP is a very good frameworks, which speeds up in an amazing way. The community is active, it's easy and you can do anything really really fast.

I've used for years, and you continue to learn new things, and go deep in knowledge.

Imho is the best php framework.

If not php, django is a definitely good choice, I'm using it in the last 4 months and it's awesome, fast, easy testable/debuggable!

Enrico Carlesso
Thanks for your recommendation. I have tried to use CakePHP once (maybe in 2007 or so), but I just couldn't make it to work. I have read the documentation and tried several tutorials, but I always get stuck. That said, my first true experience with MVC was CodeIgniter - which is said to be based on CakePHP. I love how easy and fast its deployment is and used it on several projects. But when I take a look on other frameworks, I realize that despite its advantages, CI lacks many features offered by the other PHP frameworks.
Give it a try. With 1.3 there are a lot of new amazing feature. It's hard to start because you have to understand how the docs are written and so, but #cakephp at is full of kind and helpful people that can assist you!
Enrico Carlesso
+3  A: 

Django is just fine on shared hosting. I'm using a couple of home-cooked web apps based on Django, running on my BlueHost account without trouble.

What you need, basically, is to install your own version of Python (here's my guide for 2.5 which should work similarly for newer versions), whichever you want, then install Django on top of it. Next, with tools like fcgi you can easily redirect any URL that points to your hosting to your Django app. Google for details.

P.S. if you're interested in this approach, ask me specific questions in the comments and I'll try to provide more information.

Eli Bendersky
+1 for the interesting language. But sadly most of hosting provider does not offer ssh login or similar.
Enrico Carlesso
Just a mention that Django [doesn't really support]( Python 3.x yet. @Enrico, many (most?) providers I've ever used offer ssh login.
Wayne Werner
@Eli Thanks for your recommendation, but I guess additional component (Python) installation is not that widely available on most shared web hosting.@Enrico I agree. I rarely encounter a hosting provider offering SSH access.
@animaster: the Python installation can be done *locally* in your `$HOME`, which is possible virtually everywhere you have terminal/SSH access. The guide I linked to explains how to build Python in `$HOME` and set it up as the path for executing scripts of your choice.
Eli Bendersky
@Wayne, lucky you, maybe I've only worked with low-cost hosting provider...
Enrico Carlesso
@Eli OK, I guess I could give it a try, although I do not know whether my web hosting gives SSH access or not. Thanks!
Just FYI: First Google result for [Web hosts ssh access ](
Wayne Werner
+1  A: 

You can try to use Ruby On Rails on hosting. I belive it will be much faster than common shared hosting.

+3  A: 

Your reason for rejecting Ruby on Rails is spurious. Django, like other frameworks based on real languages like Python and Ruby, isn't a lot different from Rails in that regard. Unless you have a lot of visitors, the performance will be fine, and in that case you're better off distributing the work to several servers. If all you care about is usability in the widest variety of shared web hosts, stay with PHP. If you're also trying to keep your sanity or are hoping to learn something new and elegant, picking a different language is preferable.

Pardon me about my argument. I have used Ruby on Rails for a full site development, and I am very impressed on how it could implement many stuff automagically to boost my productivity. Unfortunately, as soon as I deployed it in a VPS hosting, the server admin was complaining about heavy resources (CPU, RAM) usage by mongrel. I guess I'll stick with PHP-based framework (likely Yii) for its portability. Thanks for your answer.
+2  A: 

I've got a couple low volume Rails applications that have been running for a year on Heroku at almost no cost to me. S3 is cheap. Heroku has built a great stack and is active in the Rails community supporting events. With Varnish caching set up for you by default page load times are really fast. If you want more control, and still on a shared host budget (10 dollars/month), WebbyNode has a 256MB VPS for that price. I also have no complaints with Slicehost, priced at $20/month. Both of these are bare Linux distros, Ubuntu is probably most user friendly. Cannot speak for Django, but really choosing between Django and Rails should not be about the host if you ask me. Do you like Ruby or Python better? Do you like Django or Rails better? Do you have a community of help available for one or the other?

Andy Atkinson
I see your point there. But I guess both of them are not as widely supported as PHP on most (if not all) shared hostings. I am still new to both Ruby and Python, but I have given Ruby on Rails a try once, and I am pretty impressed. Sadly, it uses too many resources (CPU, RAM) on the server and slows down the whole website.