



After a successful Paypal payment, I receive the IPN and the payment creates a new order. However, the shopping cart does not clear.

Rather than wait for the IPN I would like to alter the payment.view.checkout.success code to clear the cart after a successful payment.

The code to empty the cart is:

for cart in Cart.objects.filter( cart.empty()

However, unless I log-in before I select an item, in my database the customer field in the cart is null. Also, if I don't log-in at all (i.e. if I'm not a registered user) then the customer field is always null. This would seem to make it impossible to find the necessary cart. Should the customer field ever be null after a purchase is made?

If not, any advice on how to fix this?

If it can be null, any advice on how to empty that cart?

Thanks for you help,



You probably have it figured out.[email protected]/msg04419.html is discussing the same issue.

L Jiang