I have a rotate function that I rotate the image from a button. When I hit the rotate button again I cant because I am returning a transformedBitmap
here is my function Public Function RotateImage90(ByVal OrigImage As BitmapImage) As TransformedBitmap ' Create Image element. Dim rotated90 As New Image() rotated90.Width = 150
' Create the source to use as the tb source.
'Dim bi As New BitmapImage()
'bi.UriSource = New Uri(ImagePath, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)
' Create the TransformedBitmap to use as the Image source.
Dim tb As New TransformedBitmap()
' Properties must be set between BeginInit and EndInit calls.
tb.Source = OrigImage
' Set image rotation.
Dim transform As New RotateTransform(90)
tb.Transform = transform
' Set the Image source.
'rotated90.Source = tb
Return tb 'rotated90
End Function
Here is my button click
Private Sub RotateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles RotateButton.Click
Dim RotateImage As New Transformations.Rotate
Dim RotatedImage As New TransformedBitmap
Dim OrigImage As New BitmapImage
OrigImage = CType(ImgOriginal.Source, BitmapImage)
RotatedImage = RotateImage.RotateImage90(OrigImage)
'Dim bmImageOrig As New BitmapImage()
'bmImageOrig.UriSource = New Uri(FileName, UriKind.Absolute)
ImgOriginal.Source = RotatedImage
End Sub
I is there a way to return a bitmapImage of the transformedbitmap. Thanks! spafa9