I'm having a bit of trouble in Google App Engine ensuring that my data is correct when using an ancestor relationship without key names.
Let me explain a little more: I've got a parent entity category, and I want to create a child entity item. I'd like to create a function that takes a category name and item name, and creates both entities if they don't exist. Initially I created one transaction and created both in the transaction if needed using a key name, and this worked fine. However, I realized I didn't want to use the name as the key as it may need to change, and I tried within my transaction to do this:
def add_item_txn(category_name, item_name):
category_query = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Category WHERE name=:category_name", category_name=category_name)
category = category_query.get()
if not category:
category = Category(name=category_name, count=0)
item_query = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Item WHERE name=:name AND ANCESTOR IS :category", name=item_name, category=category)
item_results = item_query.fetch(1)
if len(item_results) == 0:
item = Item(parent=category, name=name)
db.run_in_transaction(add_item_txn, "foo", "bar")
What I found when I tried to run this is that App Engine rejects this as it won't let you run a query in a transaction: Only ancestor queries are allowed inside transactions
Looking at the example Google gives about how to address this:
def decrement(key, amount=1):
counter = db.get(key)
counter.count -= amount
if counter.count < 0: # don't let the counter go negative
raise db.Rollback()
q = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Counter WHERE name = :1", "foo")
counter = q.get()
db.run_in_transaction(decrement, counter.key(), amount=5)
I attempted to move my fetch of the category to before the transaction:
def add_item_txn(category_key, item_name):
category = category_key.get()
item_query = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Item WHERE name=:name AND ANCESTOR IS :category", name=item_name, category=category)
item_results = item_query.fetch(1)
if len(item_results) == 0:
item = Item(parent=category, name=name)
category_query = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Category WHERE name=:category_name", category_name="foo")
category = category_query.get()
if not category:
category = Category(name=category_name, count=0)
db.run_in_transaction(add_item_txn, category.key(), "bar")
This seemingly worked, but I found when I ran this with a number of requests that I had duplicate categories created, which makes sense, as the category is queried outside the transaction and multiple requests could create multiple categories.
Does anyone have any idea how I can create these categories properly? I tried to put the category creation into a transaction, but received the error about ancestor queries only again.