



For a recent project a friend of mine and I have been working on, we want to build a RESTful web API for client application usage. I believe that I have a fairly good grasp of the top-down picture after reading this, but am fairly clueless when it comes to security issues.

I know of OAuth and plan on implementing it, but are there any other concerns we should address first thing? I would hate to spend a large amount of time developing these features to find out later that we've left the site open for malicious attack.


+2  A: 

If you are looking for general information on Web security, check out OWASP Ruby on Rails Security Guide V.2. (There's also a first edition which I read back in the day.) Check out OWASP's web site for more security related information.

Eric Bronnimann
Very good resource. I waited to read it all before I accepted, but this answers pretty much all concerns I had.