




I have a subroutine in my errorhandling function that attempts to close every workbook open in every instance of Excel. Otherwise, it might stay in memory and break my next vbscript. It should also close every workbook without saving any changes.

Sub CloseAllExcel()
On Error Resume Next
    Dim ObjXL As Excel.Application
    Set ObjXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
    If Not (ObjXL Is Nothing) Then
        Debug.Print "Closing XL"
        ObjXL.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Set ObjXL = Nothing
        Debug.Print "XL not open"
    End If
End Sub

This code isn't optimal, however. For example, it can close 2 workbooks in one instance of Excel, but if you open 2 instances of excel, it will only close out 1.

How can I rewrite this to close all Excel without saving any changes?

Extra Credit:

How to do this for Access as well without closing the Access file that is hosting this script?


try putting it in a loop

Set ObjXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
do until ObjXL Is Nothing
        Debug.Print "Closing XL"
        ObjXL.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Set ObjXL = Nothing
        Set ObjXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")  ' important!
Maybe it's a 5pm thing, but every variation of this is either going into an infinite loop or not doing anything different. Could you be more specific?
I should have had it test for null first. pls. see edit
Sorry, but I'm still getting errors. I'm sure I can hack away at it, but I'm thinking now that a non-Office .dll based solution would be a better approach.
+1  A: 

Differentiating open instances of an application is a very old problem, and it is not unique to VBA.

I've tried to figure this out myself over the years, never with greater success than the time before.

I think the long and short of it is that you can never know if the application instance you're referencing is the one in which the code is executing (so terminating it might leave other instances open).

Doesn't each instance of an app have some kind of unique ID?
@PowerUser It boggles my mind, and part of me believes that it must be possible, so I hope you get an answer here, but as far as I've ever found there is no way to use a process id or anything about the process itself to connect it to a reference to an application instance in code.
Thanks for the info. I learned something today!
+1  A: 

I just tried the following with both Excel and Access :

Dim sKill As String

sKill = "TASKKILL /F /IM msaccess.exe"
Shell sKill, vbHide

If you change the msaccess.exe to excel.exe, excel will be killed.

If you want a bit more control over the process, check out:


Edward Leno
It'll still close all instances of Access including itself, but if I put this at the very end of the error handler, shouldn't be a problem.
+3  A: 

You should be able to use window handles for this.

Public Sub CloseAllOtherAccess()
    Dim objAccess As Object
    Dim lngMyHandle As Long
    Dim strMsg As String

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    lngMyHandle = Application.hWndAccessApp

    Set objAccess = GetObject(, "Access.Application")
    Do While TypeName(objAccess) = "Application"
        If objAccess.hWndAccessApp <> lngMyHandle Then
            Debug.Print "found another Access instance: " & _
            objAccess.Quit acQuitSaveNone
            Debug.Print "found myself"
            Exit Do
        End If
        Set objAccess = GetObject(, "Access.Application")

    Set objAccess = Nothing
    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Sub

    strMsg = "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description _
        & ") in procedure CloseAllOtherAccess"
    MsgBox strMsg
    GoTo ExitHere
End Sub

It appears to me GetObject returns the "oldest" Access instance. So that sub closes all Access instances started before the one which is running the sub. Once it finds itself, it stops. Maybe that's fine for your situation. But if you need to also close Access instances started after the one which is running the code, look to Windows API window handle functions.

I didn't try this approach for Excel. But I did see Excel provides Application.Hwnd and Application.Hinstance ... so I suspect you can do something similar there.

Also, notice I got rid of On Error Resume Next. GetObject will always return an Application object in this sub, so it didn't serve any purpose. Additionally, I try to avoid On Error Resume Next in general.

Update: Since GetObject won't do the job for you, use a different method to get the window handles of all the Access instances. Close each of them whose window handle doesn't match the one you want to leave running (Application.hWndAccessApp).

Public Sub CloseAllAccessExceptMe()
'FindWindowLike from: '
'How To Get a Window Handle Without Specifying an Exact Title '
'http://support.microsoft.com/kb/147659 '

'ProcessTerminate from: '
'Kill a Process through VB by its PID '
'http://en.allexperts.com/q/Visual-Basic-1048/Kill-Process-VB-its-1.htm '

    Dim lngMyHandle As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim hWnds() As Long

    lngMyHandle = Application.hWndAccessApp

    ' get array of window handles for all Access top level windows '
    FindWindowLike hWnds(), 0, "*", "OMain", Null

    For i = 1 To UBound(hWnds())
        If hWnds(i) = lngMyHandle Then
            Debug.Print hWnds(i) & " -> leave myself running"
            Debug.Print hWnds(i) & " -> close this one"
            ProcessTerminate , hWnds(i)
        End If
    Next i
End Sub
I usually avoid On Error Resume Next also, but as you correctly guessed, I used it here in the event that there are no active instances of the application.
My preferred approach when I want to `Resume Next` in response to a specific error is to code it that way ... with a `Select Case` in the ErrorHandler. That's a whole lot different (and better, IMO) than `Resume Next` as the response to every possible error.
I don't understand why this isn't the answer to your question. What's different between the Access instances that differentiates them such that you want some closed and not others? So far as I can tell, you haven't explained that explicitly.
@David, the error handler VB script doing all this stuff is in Access. If I kill all Access processes, it would kill the error handler script too. I'd like to close this out gracefully, if possible.
So, you want to kill all instances except the one in which the code is running? That's the answer you've been provided here. I"m not seeing what's wrong with it.