



I am planning to make a CMS using jsp and servlets. Could anyone tell me how to implement clean urls using this technologies?


I use the JSTL <c:url> tag

Maurice Perry
+2  A: 

You could try using urlrewritefilter: This uses a servlet filter and an xml-file to allow your application to have clean url's. The construction of the clean url's would be your own responsibility.

Kurt Du Bois

Use URLRewriteFilter or you can write it by yourself, it's quite simple if you know how to use deployment descriptor and filter. For example, you have a servlet that responses content based on request parameter such as (call it showContent servlet) and you want to rewrite the url to so you should create a filter: filter name: dispatcher mapping: /*

and in that filter, you should handle the string "/book/java" to generate data for cat and post variables. Then just forward it to the showContent servlet to handle the request.

Truong Ha
+1  A: 

Make use of HttpServletRequest#getPathInfo() in the servlet which is acting as front controller.

Kickoff example without any trivial validation:

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF" + request.getPathInfo() + ".jsp").forward(request, response);

This will make a request on for example to display the /WEB-INF/foo/bar.jsp file. The JSP files should be placed in /WEB-INF to prevent them from direct access.

See also:
