The great advantage of using Maven is its repository infrastructure. This promotes standard protocols for the sharing of 3rd party libraries and enables teams to collaborate more effectively without being forced to check everything into the same source code repository (Modular builds).
Repository managers are freely available and I'd recommend installing one of the following:
- Nexus
- Artifactory
- Archiva
The good news is that you're not forced to build your code using Maven in order to utllize the benefits of having a Maven infrastructure.
I recommend Maven for "Green field" projects without a legacy to defend. The start of a project is generally the best time to introduce a new technology and the benefits of using Maven are well documented. The high-lights being a standardised build process and a wealth of 3rd party plugins.
ANT projects can be re-engineered to inter-operate with teams using Maven. The ivy plugin, applied properly, can actually simplify the ANT build process. Ivy is able to manage the project's classpath by downloading dependencies from the Maven repository and afterwards publishing the build artifacts (Just like a Maven "deploy").
Finally ivy is been embedded into other build tools. Examples are new build tools like Gradle, simple-build-tool and development systems like Grails. So embrace the use of an Enterprise Maven repository and choose the build tool that is appropriate for the project team.