Provided the join here is just to have a nice string to print or store as result (with a coma as separator, in the OP example it would have been whatever was in string).
line = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G']
print ','.join (line[0:2])
print ','.join (line[i] for i in [0,1,2,4,5,6])
What you are doing in both cases is extracting a sublist from the initial list. The first one use a slice, the second one use a list comprehension. As others said you could also have accessed to elements one by one, the above syntaxes are merely shorthands for:
print ','.join ([line[0], line[1]])
print ','.join ([line[0], line[1], line[2], line[4], line[5], line[6]])
I believe some short tutorial on list slices could be helpfull:
is a 'slice' of list l. It will get all elements between position x (included) and position y (excluded). Positions starts at 0. If y is out of list or missing, it will include all list until the end. If you use negative numbers you count from the end of the list. You can also use a third parameter like in l[x:y:step]
if you want to 'jump over' some items (not take them in the slice) with a regular interval.
Some examples:
l = range(1, 100) # create a list of 99 integers from 1 to 99
l[:] # resulting slice is a copy of the list
l[0:] # another way to get a copy of the list
l[0:99] # as we know the number of items, we could also do that
l[0:0] # a new empty list (remember y is excluded]
l[0:1] # a new list that contains only the first item of the old list
l[0:2] # a new list that contains only the first two items of the old list
l[0:-1] # a new list that contains all the items of the old list, except the last
l[0:len(l)-1] # same as above but less clear
l[0:-2] # a new list that contains all the items of the old list, except the last two
l[0:len(l)-2] # same as above but less clear
l[1:-1] # a new list with first and last item of the original list removed
l[-2:] # a list that contains the last two items of the original list
l[0::2] # odd numbers
l[1::2] # even numbers
l[2::3] # multiples of 3
If rules to get items are more complex, you'll use a list comprehension instead of a slice, but it's another subjet. That's what I use in my second join example.