



I have a page on a server at a remote location that only displays if it is accessed internally.

Heres how it works, the page has a button and a list of files, when the button is clicked the script creates a csv file from various database tables and writes it to a folder on the server. The page then refreshes with the new file in the list.

On the server this is fine but when I access the site externally I have the following problem:

Clicking the button causes the script to run, so far so good. The page is blank on refresh. The source for the page however, is identical to that of the page source when loaded correctly on the server. The file is created so it can't be a folder permissions thing.

Any ideas? Also, first post.

Edit I can't give you any code, it's work related and we don't share. edit2 this is as far as it gets: function titleBar_Dis

edit3 Just in case anybody is still reading this. Thanks everyone (unless you downvoted me, in which case :p..) It appears that this is a network problem and not a code problem.

+1  A: 

Thanks for posting ... it will help quite a bit if you edit the post with some samples of the code you've tried. Sometimes other SO'er can spot problems that you didn't notice.

My first guess would be that your Javascript references internal URLs (e.g http://our-server.internal/lan) that don't work correctly when you're accessing them from outside.

But, that's just a shot in the dark based on your description. Seeing some code would make this a lot easier.

I can't show any code because the whole thing is a company secret, you know how it is.
can't help much without seeing some code i'm afraid..
Vijay Dev

You've not given us much to go on.

I would suggest using Fiddler to view the requests both times. Hopefully you will see something different.

If not does this happen in all browsers or is it a browser specific thing?

Martin Smith
Thanks, the response in fiddler shows that the page stopped being delivered mid sentence about 2 lines below the <body> tag...

The Page's body could be hidden using JavaScript, check the included scripts, or remove all scripts from the page that is blank. The page might give errors afterwards, but at least then you have some direction

Dusty Roberts
Since the javascript is identical in all our instances it is very unlikely that it is causing the problem, the javascript error appears on closer inspection to occur on every single page without any negative impact.