



I always been wondering how those URL submitter works they usually submit your URL to many search engines in a very short time, can anyone please provide a tutorial about it or link. thanks

+1  A: 

I doubt there's a tutorial for this.

What these scripts usually do is impersonate a browser, fill in the form fields on the search engine's submission page, and submit the form. They would usually use a PHP library like curl for that.

This is being made increasingly difficult by the use of technologies like CAPTCHAs that ensure that the submitter is an actual human. Also, any change in the submission form's structure would break your automated service, and require an update.

Also, it is very questionable whether mass submission to search engines has any effect at all - many search engines share data bases, and their crawler bots are intent to find any new content that pops up on the web.

If you ask me, this is a pointless exercise.
