Note that there are two ways to convert this to a double, depending on whether the cpu is bigendian oe littleendian, so it's best to be explicit about which one you want
>>> from struct import unpack
>>> value = ['\x7f', '\x15', '\xb7', '\xdb', '5', '\x03', '\xc0', '@']
>>> unpack('<d', ''.join(value))[0]
>>> unpack('>d', ''.join(value))[0]
and just for fun - here's how to decode the double explicitly
>>> value = ['\x7f', '\x15', '\xb7', '\xdb', '5', '\x03', '\xc0', '@']
>>> bytes = map(ord,reversed(value))
>>> sign = (1,-1)[bytes[0]>>7]
>>> exp = ((0x7f&bytes[0])<<4) + (bytes[1]>>4) - 1023
>>> mantissa = reduce(lambda x,y: (x<<8) + y, bytes[2:], bytes[1]&0xf)
>>> sign*2**exp*(1+mantissa*2**-52)