




Basically what happens is when I go to the site ie8 pops up the prompt for logging in, I provide credentials and hit "ok". The popup comes up again, I repeat, same result. I've repeated up to 10 times and still ie never logs me in, if I hit cancel I get logged in (after several attempts)

This works fine on firefox and chrome. Any thoughts about why this would be happening in IE?


Use Fiddler to peek the traffic and make sure that IE decided to use basic auth. Perhaps Apache is responding that it accepts more than basic, and IE is using a different authentication (which fails).

Lou Franco

Sorted it out, the apache Directory Index value was not set, so Firefox et, al didn't have a problem but IE would see no file specified (just a folder) and somehow things were breaking down between the server and browser. When the value was set, the issue resolved itself.

Thanks all
