



I need to protect a site that has a ton of static .html files. The standard .htaccess scheme doesn't meet the requirements.

Is there a way to specify an .htaccess style of password protection with a custom handler? That is I need to write the code to determine if the user is allowed or not, but I don't want to modify a million .html files all over the place.


+2  A: 

Maybe. It depends on what modules are loaded on your web server. Your options will range from keeping a simple list of users in a flat file, to keeping them in a database and customizing the queries.

Another option - just brainstorming here - is to use something like mod_rewrite to redirect the calls to the physical file to something like a PHP script that can manage the user/password authentication for your, and if authenticated, go out and load the html file that was requested. So calls to actually get directed to, which would control access to that underlying html file. That would of course require mod_rewrite to be installed, which is pretty common even for shared hosting environments.

@GrandmasterB - I love the mod_rewrite idea. that is exactly what I am going to do thanks!
Byron Whitlock
Glad I could help!