I am thinking of selling a piece of PHP software (set of scripts). Naturally, since it is PHP the source code is freely available once people obtain the code, so I am looking into how I can "legally" protect it from just being shared and distributed without me making any money. I know this is not going to protect it in practice, I just want to make sure I send the right signal.
I don't mind if the buyer changes, modifies and expands the souce code - as soon as they buy it, they are free to use it for whatever. They just cannot freely give it away.
From what I see, most open source licenses allows the software to be freely redistributed and this is not in my interest. I just want the buyer to enjoy the freedom of doing whatever he/she wants with their software, while still allowing me to make money selling it.
In a sense, it is open source (since the source is provided and can be used), but not "free", as in freedom, software.
Hope it makes sense :)