



I'm aware of the z-index problem in IE7, but I have a strange situation here, and none of the fixes suggested online seem to work. I've got a list of items, each one has a pop-up bubble div inside the "li" tag, like so:

<div class="inner">
    <li onmouseover="bubbleOn(5661)" onmouseout="bubbleOff(5661)" id="c5661">
      <img src="/images/new/simple-dot-brown.gif" class="coloredDot" />
      <small id="year5661">1974</small> 
      <div class="mouseover-bubble orange" id="bubble_5661" style="display:none;"> 
        <div class="definition">                               
          <p>A form of bronchial disorder....</p>

Here is the relevant CSS:

div.mouseover-bubble {
  position: absolute;
  width: 360px;
  left: 10px;
  bottom: 10px;
  z-index: 10000; 

As long as I leave the CSS the way I received it, the pop-up works fine. But I've been asked to move the popup divs below the matching "li", instead of above it. If I change the line "bottom: 10px" to "top: 10px", then suddenly in IE7 the z-index fails and I can see the information that should be hidden underneath the pop-up div. Anyone have ideas why this would happen? Most of the IE7 z-index stuff I find talks about positioning, but I'm not changing the CSS positioning, just switching "bottom" to "top".


i got the same problem this moorning... you'll have to put the element in position:relative

Another way to do it is to set the parent's z-index to something higher...

dont ask me why... but it works

EDIT sorry.. i've just seen that you cant change the position to relative.. try the second option and let me know it that works

In this case I can't use position:relative because it then pushes all the content down when it displays. As for the parent's z-index, which tag represents the parent in this case? Because I have tried setting the z-index to 10001 on the "li" tag, the "ul" tag, and the "div class=inner" tag, and nothing changes.
damn.. the parent should be the li tag, if it doesnt change anything, then i run out of ideas... btw i used this page when i had that problem li has position:relative?
Well, I'll keep trying to mess with the position: and z-index: values on the div and the parent. I guess I was hoping someone would know of a secret IE bug that kicks in when you define a top: value. Thanks anyway.