



I have two versions of the same proof-of-concept site: The unsecure version:

and the secure version:

The problem I have is that my WCF-Based web services don't seem to work under HTTPS. Is there something I'm missing, or not understanding about this? I thought a relative URL for the SVC file would cover everything

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" >
        <asp:ServiceReference Path="~/Services/Contacts.svc" />
        <asp:ServiceReference Path="~/Services/Domains.svc" />
        <asp:ServiceReference Path="~/Services/TreeViewNavigation.asmx" />
        <asp:ServiceReference Path="/Services/FullSoaSchedulerService.svc/json" />

Perhaps I need to add an additional binding for the webservice to work over HTTPS?

<service name="">
        <endpoint address="" behaviorConfiguration=""
          binding="webHttpBinding" contract="" />
+1  A: 

You want to add a custom binding to your configuration to enable it for HTTPS by setting your binding's security mode to transport.

     <binding name="httpsBinding">
       <security mode="Transport">

The default security mode is None which doesn't play well with HTTPS.

Then assign that binding to your endpoint:

<service name="">
        <endpoint address="" behaviorConfiguration=""
          binding="webHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="httpsBinding" contract="" />

This blog post helped me out when I first ran into this situation.

Hope this helps!!

David Hoerster
+1 and THANKS! Worked like a charm
Glad it worked for you. Yeah, that stumped me at first, too. I wish it wasn't so unintuitive (it wasn't intuitive at all for me :) ). The thing to keep in mind is that your development environment may not be HTTPS, so you'll need to change that security mode for DEV. I have a build process that handles that (no security for DEV, Transport for QA/PROD).
David Hoerster