




I am going to install first application in my android phone, but having some doubts related to Android Memory (Maximum size of APK).

So pls help me know and solve the problems:

  1. What is maximum size of the apk that can be supported by the android ?
  2. When we install any apk file in real phone, where does application installed (in SD-card or other memory) ??

I have referred this link: and also searched lot.

I came Across the search on the web that many people are facing the same issue What is the maximum size of Application supported by Android. I think this question also help to the people who are connected with Android application programming and development.


This time i am having 58Mb application from that 52.5MB Images and it runs on the my HTC Hero mobile but On Emulator, it shows an error:

Failed to upload my_application.apk on device 'emulator-5554' Unable to upload file: No space left on device
Launch canceled!

now pls suggest me the way to store images inside the Drawable folder? is there any way to zip the images or such method? pls help me

+5  A: 
  1. Its probably device specific as devices has a different amount of memory available for application. ref

  2. Its application dependant. The developer may state that the app should be preferrebly install on internal memory, the SD-card, or to let the user choose from SD-card and memory. This is only supported on Android 2.2. On older version of android, version <= 2.1, the app will be installed into the memory. Its defined inside the AndoridMainfest.xml via the android:installLocation element. It supports the values internalOnly, preferExternal or auto. But again, only supported on Android 2.2. ref

I tested on my HTC Desire with more than 500 MB of memory. With almost none apps installed I can install an apk that is 43MB, but an apk that is 57MB is too large, even i got plenty of available memory... it fails with


The "File Manager" application tells me that im using 60/147MB (40%). The limit seems be 147 MB, but in practice, as i have tested, this is not true...


I did some testing, and published the results here:

Also, If you would like to test it, you may put a large file into the res/raw folder.
@PHP_Jedi really helpful answer....i am using Android 1.5 HTC Hero, what about it?
PM - Paresh Mayani
@PHP_Jedi what i have to if i want to install 52MB application
PM - Paresh Mayani
@Paresh, You need at lease 104MB of free application memory before trying to install, I'm not sure if that is possible on Android 1.5. Please use the File Manager app to verify and check how much you have available.
@PHP_Zedi but when i am running it for the first time in emulator, however it shows an space related error, as such it is the first application we install, there should be enough space and my application is of 52 MB and it is also happened on the phone also
PM - Paresh Mayani
@PHP_Zedi "first time" in above comment means there is no any other application installed.....
PM - Paresh Mayani
@PHP_Zedi hello zedi , without "File Manager" application, we can not check about the memory in phone ?? becoz my client is pls help me on this
PM - Paresh Mayani
@Paresh I have a HTC Hero available, and it says that it got 165MB of total space for apps. So, try make the user/client free up some space by removing some apps.
@PHP_Jedi As i have read your testing at , where i got the information regarding "installing application on sd-card" , overthere you got the success with 97 MB but it is not in my case with 58 MB , please help me
PM - Paresh Mayani
I was running android 2.2, it would not have worked with 1.5.
@PHP_Jedi ya thats good..i have also created 2.2 emulator and tested it with but getting error , i am finding your information really helpful...i cay say you can catch me out from this problem...What i have to do install 54MB application in sd-card in android sdk 2.2 ?
PM - Paresh Mayani