Parsing HTML / JS codes to get info using PHP.
Take a look at this page, it's a clothes shop for kids. This is one of their items and I want to point out the size section. What we need to do here is to get all the sizes for this item and check whether the sizes are available or not. Right now all the sizes for this items are:
3-4 years
4-5 years
5-6 years
7-8 years
How can you say if the sizes are available or not?
Now take a look at this page first and check the sizes again:
This item has the following sizes:
12 months
18 months - Not Available
24 months
As you can see 18 months size is not available, it is indicated by the "Not Available" text next to the size.
What we need to do is go the page of an item, get the sizes and check the availability of each sizes. How can I do this in PHP?
Added a working code and a new problem to tackle.
Working code but it needs more work:
function getProductVariations($url) {
//Use CURL to get the raw HTML for the page
$ch = curl_init();
$raw_html = curl_exec($ch);
//If we get an invalid response back from the server fail
if ($raw_html===false) {
throw new Exception(curl_error($ch));
//Find the variation JS declarations and extract them
$raw_variations = preg_match_all("/arrSzeCol_ctl00_ContentMainPage_ctlSeparateProduct\[[0-9]+\].*Array\((.*)\);/",$raw_html,$raw_matches);
//We are done with the Raw HTML now
//Check that we got some results back
if (is_array($raw_matches) && isset($raw_matches[1]) && sizeof($raw_matches[1])==$raw_variations && $raw_variations>0) {
//This is where the matches will go
$matches = array();
//Go through the results of the bracketed expression and convert them to a PHP assoc array
foreach($raw_matches[1] as $match) {
//As they are declared in javascript we can use json_decode to process them nicely, they just need wrapping
//Label the fields as best we can
"unknown_col2"=>$proc[6], /*Always seems to be zero*/
"unknown_col4"=>$proc[9], /*Negative price*/
"unknown_col5"=>$proc[10], /*Always seems to be zero*/
"unknown_col6"=>$proc[11] /*Always seems to be zero*/
//Push the processed variation onto the results array
//We are done with our proc2 array now (proc will be unset by the foreach loop)
//Return the matches we have found
return $matches;
} else {
throw new Exception("Unable to find any product variations");
try {
$variations = getProductVariations("");
//Do something more useful here
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
The above code works, but there's a problem when the product needs you to select a colour first before the sizes are displayed.
Like this one:
Any idea how to go about this?