



I recently added a Facebook Like button to my web site home page - - using FBML. It works fine under Firefox. When I open the page under Internet Explorer, right away, I see a "Stack Overflow at Line 2" (sometimes line 3) popup. What is causing this? Is there something I still have to code in the HTML? Do I still have to do something with the Facebook SDK (which I'm not as familiar with). This is the first time I've tried to actually program using Facebook. Thanks a lot!



Hi, Nathan,

Here's the Facebook-related code (without some "brackets" so they display in this post):

meta property="fb:page_id" content="354972560972"

div id="fb-root">/div

script window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: 'your app id', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = document.location.protocol + '//'; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); }()); /script

fb:like href="" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" font="arial">/fb:like

I keep getting the Stack Overflow at Line 3 every time I open the home page, and the Like button in the top right corner, where I positioned the code, won't display when you first open the home page. It seems to only display, for example, when opening the home page, clicking a hyperlink to go to another page of the site, and clicking the "Home" hyperlink to come back to the home page. And voila - the "Like" button displays with the current number of Facebook users that Like my site.

All help in solving the Stack Overlow in Internet Explorer only (not in Firefox!), and being able to see the Like button all the time is greatly appreciated!!!


(Sorry if this posted twice!)

Tom Hupfeld