I read the documentation on workers and delayed_job and couldn't follow exactly, so wanted to get head-start with some strategy and sample code.
I have a controller which I use to send emails one by one. Now each day I want to check which emails need to be sent for the day, and then send them through heroku as a delayed_job.
How do I begin to approach this? thanks.
This is what I'm coming up with based on the answers:
Using the 'whenever' gem, I created the following schedule.rb
every 1.day, :at => '4:30 am' do
heroku = Heroku::Client.new(ENV['HEROKU_USER'], ENV['HEROKU_PASS'])
heroku.set_workers(ENV['HEROKU_APP'], 1)
Contact.all.each do |contact|
contact_email = contact.email_today
unless contact.email_today == "none"
puts contact.first_name
puts contact_email.days
puts contact.date_entered
Delayed::Job.enqueue OutboundMailer.deliver_campaign_email(contact,contact_email)
heroku.set_workers(ENV['HEROKU_APP'], 0)
To determine whether I should send an email today or not, I created the method for contact.rb:
def email_today
next_event_info = self.next_event_info # invokes method for contact
next_event = next_event_info[:event]
delay = next_event_info[:delay]
if next_event.class.name == "Email" && from_today(self, next_event.days) + delay < 0 #helper from_today
return next_event
return "none"
Does this look right? I am developing on windows and deploying to heroku so don't know how to test it...thanks!