



I've a custom form (created with form API) that need send an uploaded file by email. The current form submit handler send the email withouth attachment using drupal_mail().

So I'm looking for a solution to properly send email with attachment from Drupal. Mime Mail seems overkill because HTML mail, templating and its other features are not required. But the only other alternative I see is to set the appropriate headers and serialize the attached file in the mail body when processing the mail in my hook_mail implementation.

Did I miss anything ? Is there some module to handle this ?


The Webform module allows you to create a form and has a file option which can be used as an attachment. All available form components are listed on the module's manual page.

Once installed Webform will appear as a content type. Once you have saved the fundamentals, such as the title and the email to address, you will have the ability to add the required form components.

Add a component of type 'file', ensuring the 'email' (to recipient) option is ticked, and you will then be able to customize the permitted file types, extensions, sizes and upload folder.

Yep, I know Webform can do it. But since this is a single developer-build form not the be modified by the end-user of the site, it doesn't fit the basic Webform use case. I would like to avoid having to bring the whole UI-editable forms stack of Webform for a single form that has also other process (various DB update) to do.
Now you tell us ;0)
Of course you could simply not give the other users the permission to administer Webforms :0)
+1  A: 

Mimemail is the easiest solution here. Be it an overkill or not, it will allow you to get it done with a single function call.

If you insist, you may have your homemade attachment sender: base64 encode your attachment(s), add them to the mail body, add the correct headers and you're done.

+1  A: 

How about require() ZEND framework and doing this?

function sendEmail($params){

ini_set('include_path', 'inc/');
require_once ('inc/Zend/Mail.php');

$mail = new Zend_Mail();

$mail->setSubject( $params['subject'] );

$mail->setBodyText( $params['bodyText'] );
$mail->setBodyHtml( $params['bodyHtml'] );

$mail->setFrom( $params['fromEmail'], $params['fromName'] );
$mail->addTo( $params['toEmail'], $params['toName'] );

// Finally, add an attachment

assert( file_exists($params['attachFile']) );

$at = $mail->addAttachment(file_get_contents($params['attachFile']));
$at->type        = $params['attachType'];
$at->disposition = Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT;
$at->filename    = $params['attachName'];



Stefan Pantke