



I'm wondering what's the best, the cleanest and the most simply way to work with many-to-many relations in Doctrine2.

Let's assume that we've got an album like Master of Puppets by Metallica with several tracks. But please note the fact that one track might appears in more that just one album like Battery by Metallica does - three albums featuring this track.

So what I need is many-to-many relationship between albums and tracks, using third table with some additional columns (like position of the track in specified album). Actually I have to use, as Doctrine's documentation suggests, a double one-to-many relation to achieve that functionality.

/** @Entity() */
class Album {
    /** @Id @Column(type="integer") */
    protected $id;

    /** @Column() */
    protected $title;

    /** @OneToMany(targetEntity="AlbumTrackReference", mappedBy="album") */
    protected $tracklist;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->tracklist = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();

    public function getTitle() {
        return $this->title;

    public function getTracklist() {
        return $this->tracklist->toArray();

/** @Entity() */
class Track {
    /** @Id @Column(type="integer") */
    protected $id;

    /** @Column() */
    protected $title;

    /** @Column(type="time") */
    protected $duration;

    /** @OneToMany(targetEntity="AlbumTrackReference", mappedBy="track") */
    protected $albumsFeaturingThisTrack; // btw: any idea how to name this relation? :)

    public function getTitle() {
        return $this->title;

    public function getDuration() {
        return $this->duration;

/** @Entity() */
class AlbumTrackReference {
    /** @Id @Column(type="integer") */
    protected $id;

    /** @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Album", inversedBy="tracklist") */
    protected $album;

    /** @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Track", inversedBy="albumsFeaturingThisTrack") */
    protected $track;

    /** @Column(type="integer") */
    protected $position;

    /** @Column(type="boolean") */
    protected $isPromoted;

    public function getPosition() {
        return $this->position;

    public function isPromoted() {
        return $this->isPromoted;

    public function getAlbum() {
        return $this->album;

    public function getTrack() {
        return $this->track;

And some sample data:

| id | title                    |
|  1 | Master of Puppets        |
|  2 | The Metallica Collection |

| id | title                | duration |
|  1 | Battery              | 00:05:13 |
|  2 | Nothing Else Matters | 00:06:29 |
|  3 | Damage Inc.          | 00:05:33 |

| id | album_id | track_id | position | isPromoted |
|  1 |        1 |        2 |        2 |          1 |
|  2 |        1 |        3 |        1 |          0 |
|  3 |        1 |        1 |        3 |          0 |
|  4 |        2 |        2 |        1 |          0 |

Now I can display a list of albums and tracks associated to them:

$dql = '
    SELECT   a, tl, t
    FROM     Entity\Album a
    JOIN     a.tracklist tl
    JOIN     tl.track t
    ORDER BY tl.position ASC

$albums = $em->createQuery($dql)->getResult();

foreach ($albums as $album) {
    echo $album->getTitle() . PHP_EOL;

    foreach ($album->getTracklist() as $track) {
        echo sprintf("\t#%d - %-20s (%s) %s\n", 
            $track->isPromoted() ? ' - PROMOTED!' : ''

The results are what I'm expecting, ie: a list of albums with their sorted tracks and promoted ones are marked as promoted.

The Metallica Collection
    #1 - Nothing Else Matters (00:06:29) 
Master of Puppets
    #1 - Damage Inc.          (00:05:33) 
    #2 - Nothing Else Matters (00:06:29)  - PROMOTED!
    #3 - Battery              (00:05:13) 

So what's wrong?

This code demonstrates what's wrong:

foreach ($album->getTracklist() as $track) {
    echo $track->getTrack()->getTitle();

Album::getTracklist() returns an array of AlbumTrackReference objects instead of Track objects. I can't create proxy methods cause what if both, Album and Track would have getTitle() method? I could do some extra processing within Album::getTracklist() method but what's the most simply way to do that? Am I forced do write something like that?

public function getTracklist() {
    $tracklist = array();

    foreach ($this->tracklist as $key => $trackReference) {
        $tracklist[$key] = $trackReference->getTrack();


    return $tracklist;

// And some extra getters/setters in Track class


@beberlei suggested to use proxy methods:

class AlbumTrackReference {
    public function getTitle() {
        return $this->getTrack()->getTitle()

That would be a good idea but I'm using that "reference object" from both sides: $album->getTracklist()[12]->getTitle() and $track->getAlbums()[1]->getTitle(), so getTitle() method should return different data based on the context of invocation.

I would have to do something like:

 getTracklist() {
     foreach ($this->tracklist as $trackRef) { $trackRef->setContext($this); }

 // ....

 getAlbums() {
     foreach ($this->tracklist as $trackRef) { $trackRef->setContext($this); }

 // ...

 AlbumTrackRef::getTitle() {
      return $this->{$this->context}->getTitle();

And that's not a very clean way.

+1  A: 

From $album->getTrackList() you will alwas get "AlbumTrackReference" entities back, so what about adding methods from the Track and proxy?

class AlbumTrackReference
    public function getTitle()
        return $this->getTrack()->getTitle();

    public function getDuration()
        return $this->getTrack()->getDuration();

This way your loop simplifies considerably, aswell as all other code related to looping the tracks of an album, since all methods are just proxied inside AlbumTrakcReference:

foreach ($album->getTracklist() as $track) {
    echo sprintf("\t#%d - %-20s (%s) %s\n", 
        $track->isPromoted() ? ' - PROMOTED!' : ''

Btw You should rename the AlbumTrackReference (for example "AlbumTrack"). It is clearly not only a reference, but contains additional logic. Since there are probably also Tracks that are not connected to an album but just available through a promo-cd or something this allows for a cleaner separation also.

Proxy methods doesn't solve the problem in 100% (check my edit). `Btw You should rename the AlbumT(...)` - good point
Why dont you have two methods? getAlbumTitle() and getTrackTitle() on the AlbumTrackReference object? Both proxy to their respective subobjects.
The goal is the most *natural* object API. `$album->getTracklist()[1]->getTrackTitle()` is as good/bad as `$album->getTracklist()[1]->getTrack()->getTitle()`. However it seems that I'd have to have two different classes: one for album->track references and another for track->albums references - and that's too hard to implement. So probably that's the best solution so far...

You ask for the "best way" but there is no best way. There are many ways and you already discovered some of them. How you want to manage and/or encapsulate association management when using association classes is entirely up to you and your concrete domain, noone can show you a "best way" I'm afraid.

Apart from that, the question could be simplified a lot by removing Doctrine and relational databases from the equation. The essence of your question boils down to a question about how to deal with association classes in plain OOP.


here is my two cents:

  • dont use additional fields in manytomany table
  • rather use repository feature of doctrine to fetch additional records
  • here is my code snippet from one of my project


    • owning side *
    • @ManyToMany(targetEntity="Entities\Group", inversedBy="users")
    • @JoinTable(name="users_groups",
    • joinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="user_id", referencedColumnName="id")},
    • inverseJoinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="group_id", referencedColumnName="id")}
    • ) */ private $groups;


    • inverse side *
    • @ManyToMany(targetEntity="Entities\User", mappedBy="groups") */ private $users;`
Nurul Ferdous
Why should I don't use additional fields in ref. table? How would you solve the problem of sorting or storing additional information then? So far... downvote

You may be able to achieve what you want with Class Table Inheritance where you change AlbumTrackReference to AlbumTrack:

class AlbumTrack extends Track { /* ... */ }

And getTrackList() would contain AlbumTrack objects which you could then use like you want:

foreach($album->getTrackList() as $albumTrack)
    echo sprintf("\t#%d - %-20s (%s) %s\n", 
        $albumTrack->isPromoted() ? ' - PROMOTED!' : ''

You will need to examine this throughly to ensure you don't suffer performance-wise.

Your current set-up is simple, efficient, and easy to understand even if some of the semantics don't quite sit right with you.


First, I mostly agree with beberlei on his suggestions. However, you may be designing yourself into a trap. Your domain appears to be considering the title to be the natural key for a track, which is likely the case for 99% of the scenarios you come across. However, what if Battery on Master of the Puppets is a different version (different length, live, acoustic, remix, remastered, etc) than the version on The Metallica Collection.

Depending on how you want to handle (or ignore) that case, you could either go beberlei's suggested route, or just go with your proposed extra logic in Album::getTracklist(). Personally, I think the extra logic is justified to keep your API clean, but both have their merit.

If you do wish to accommodate my use case, you could have Tracks contain a self referencing OneToMany to other Tracks, possibly $similarTracks. In this case, there would be two entities for the track Battery, one for The Metallica Collection and one for Master of the Puppets. Then each similar Track entity would contain a reference to each other. Also, that would get rid of the current AlbumTrackReference class and eliminate your current "issue". I do agree that it is just moving the complexity to a different point, but it is able to handle a usecase it wasn't previously able to.


This really useful example. It lacks in the documentation doctrine 2.

Very thank you.

For the proxies functions can be done :

class AlbumTrack extends AlbumTrackAbstract {
   ... proxy method.
   function getTitle() {} 

class TrackAlbum extends AlbumTrackAbstract {
   ... proxy method.
   function getTitle() {}

class AlbumTrackAbstract {
   private $id;


/** @OneToMany(targetEntity="TrackAlbum", mappedBy="album") */
protected $tracklist;

/** @OneToMany(targetEntity="AlbumTrack", mappedBy="track") */
protected $albumsFeaturingThisTrack;