



Hi, I'm looking into inserting a text editor / making a simple one on my site. I would prefer to make one if it's not too too difficult.

The idea is that I have a text area that is inserted into a database, and I would like the text to be viewed the exact same was it was entered by the user once it is pulled back up, hopefully info the same text area again for editing. Kind of like this question window.

+1  A: 

I have used TinyMCE several times. It is easy to integrate into a web application, and intuitive for those using the editor. It comes with a long list of plug-ins, and is easily customizable. Content is styled within the text editor.

The editor used on Stack Exchange is Markdown. I have not used it on a web application. Markdown uses it's own markup language, called Markdown. Unlike TinyMCE, content is not formatted in the editor, so Markdown is not truly a WYSISWG editor.

+1 for TinyMCE. Highly configurable and has jQuery intergration.
Bob Fanger