I think this is the fastest method (whether it's in Python or another language shouldn't matter too much IMO).
1.I only store each line's hash to save space (and time if paging might occur)
2.Because of the above, I only print out line numbers; if you need actual lines, you'd just need to read the files in again
3.I assume that the hash function results in no conflicts. This is nearly, but not perfectly, certain.
4.I import hashlib because the built-in hash() function is too short to avoid conflicts.
import sys
import hashlib
file = []
lines = []
for i in range(2):
# open the files named in the command line
file.append(open(sys.argv[1+i], 'r'))
# stores the hash value and the line number for each line in file i
# assuming you like counting lines starting with 1
counter = 1
while 1:
# assuming default encoding is sufficient to handle the input file
line = file[i].readline().encode()
if not line: break
hashcode = hashlib.sha512(line).hexdigest()
lines[i][hashcode] = sys.argv[1+i]+': '+str(counter)
counter += 1
unique0 = lines[0].keys() - lines[1].keys()
unique1 = lines[1].keys() - lines[0].keys()
result = [lines[0][x] for x in unique0] + [lines[1][x] for x in unique1]