Use a DOM Parser to find all text nodes that contain the needle and which do not have a a parent element with a name of "a":
$html = <<< HTML
. text2 text2 word text2...
<a href="something">text text word <span> word </span> text</a>
. text2 text2 word text2...
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$xp = new DOMXPath($dom);
$nodes = $xp->query('//*[name() != "a"]/text()[contains(.,"word")]');
foreach($nodes as $node) {
// can use a Regex in here too if you are after word boundaries
$node->nodeValue = str_replace('word', 'something', $node->nodeValue);
echo $dom->saveXML($dom->documentElement);
. text2 text2 something text2...
<a href="something">text text word <span> something </span> text</a>
. text2 text2 something text2...
Note how this will also replace word inside the span inside the a. If you want to exclude those too, you have to adjust the XPath to:
'//text()[not(ancestor::a) and contains(., "word")]'
to find all text nodes containing the needle that are not nested anywhere inside an a element.
There is a number of third party parsers worth mentioning that aim to enhance DOM: phpQuery, Zend_Dom, QueryPath and FluentDom.