



After recording just the appearance of the logon window of our Java app in LR/VUgen 9.51 using the RMI protocol, the resulting script replays with a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. The code fragment looks like this:

_hashtable2 = new Hashtable();
_object_array3 = ((java.util.Collection)_hashtable2.values()).toArray();
_hashtable2.put("sessionId",(java.lang.String)_object_array3[0]); //yields exception!
_boolean1 = _mopsconstantserverif1.psi_requiresHostCommunication((java.util.Hashtable)_hashtable2, (java.util.Vector)null);

Of course generating an empty hashtable, converting it to an array, and referencing its first array element must yield an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, right? But why does LR generate this kind of code at all? Is this a bug, or what am I doing wrong? I have never seen problems like this one when using RMI and LoadRunner.

Since the cause of the playback error is quite obvious and independent of the remainder of the recorded code (i.e. limited to the four statements shown), I try to ask without showing the whole script...