




The variables $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] and $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] are returned as empty because of the setup my hosting has (Running on a CGI interface). Is there any work around to get them to work as I need to use them for auth. I can't move hosting or change the interface.

I am sending auth requests via curl to a url /api/projects/... which is interpreted by a modrewrite and then processed according to the rules.

When I try this on my local host running MAMP, or I use my other hosting it works ok (not using CGI interface) but on the server I need it to run on, the variables are dropped!

Can some one help me please?

+2  A: 

As per the manual, those variables are only available when PHP runs as an Apache module. http://php.net/manual/en/features.http-auth.php

You can try talking to your hosting provider and see if they can make them available to you when CGI dispatches the request.

Andrei Serdeliuc
I should have checked that. Unfortunatly they can;t make them available to me. Do you know if it is possible to use a work around similar to here: http://planetozh.com/blog/2009/04/http-authentication-on-php-as-cgi-like-dreamhost/
It really depends which environment variables are made available to you. A starting point might be `print_r($_SERVER)` and check what CGI is making available to you.
Andrei Serdeliuc
Internal requests could be handled using REMOTE_ADDR? If REMOTE_ADDR is the ip address of the server you are running on, then you can assume it's an internal request. This does pose a security issue, as someone on the same server as you could make requests that look internal.
Andrei Serdeliuc
Ah ok I will have a look into this. Does that mean I can use curl in a script in one dir to use the api in another dir. Where would the REMOTE_ADDR be used? Sending or recieving? Sorry I ask so many q's I am in over my head!
It's not necessarily a "directory" issue as much as it is handling the requests properly, you could have a script call itself using curl if you wanted based on conditions, same rules would apply. You need to check originating ip of the request. Something like this: `if($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])`
Andrei Serdeliuc
Must be some kind of internal blocking going on, not sure what, because if I change the api link it links to to the identical api I have on another server, it works ok. Maybe it's not handling my reqeusts quite right!
+1  A: 

According to the docs, those two variables are not available in CGI mode.

The HTTP Authentication hooks in PHP are only available when it is running as an Apache module and is hence not available in the CGI version.

however, take a delve into the User Contributed Notes. There is a number of workarounds people claim to have had success with, e.g. this one. Maybe worth checking out.

That one has half fixed the problem, Thank you. For some reason now it works accessing it from an external location, ie: from my localhost I can call the api and get a response. but from the server to the api in another dir it fails! strange! I will keep looking!

if it's for automated usage, no need to use HTTP auth at all. just send a secret token as a credentials.

Col. Shrapnel

The Apache web server blocks the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION environment variable for CGI apps by default, which is what PHP uses to populate PHP_AUTH_USER/PASS. This behaviour can be turned off by recompiling Apache with the SECURITY_HOLE_PASS_AUTHORIZATION flag set.

The “security hole” is that any other users on a shared server will be able to see the passwords of users authenticating with your site. Whether that's actually a security hole for you depends; often not.

If you are on a cheapo shared server chances are you are not going to get the chance to recompile Apache.

Do you know if it is possible to use a work around similar to here

Yes, it should do, if you have mod_rewrite available. (The caveats about it being potentially a “security hole” still apply.)

It is, however, ugly, and complicates deployment. Also there are a few problems with the example script given (the use of explode discards any : characters in the password, and the echos without proper use of htmlspecialchars() introduce an XSS vulnerability.)

This kind of nonsense is one of the reasons HTTP Authentication is increasingly unpopular. Most sites deploy form/cookie-based auth instead. For an API you would typically have your own token-based auth instead of relying on Basic Authentication.

I can't recompile but I do have mod rewrite available. I have used this so far which seems to work:RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*) RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]If I can somehow get it to send requests to it's own API in a different dir I will be made up! :D Thanks for the detail of your answer. Makes a lot of sense now