I have a similar project and I can give you some details on how I performed similar operations. I am assuming your entire solution is .Net based.
POCO (Plain Old CLR Objects) are just that objects with no business logic. So, the password validations should not be directly in that class but in your business layer. For example, UI would call a controller action to submit the data to the Business Layer (BL), the BL would perform the user password validation by calling the repository to get the currently stored/encrypted password, BL will compare the passwords and return a result to your UI or take some other action. Of course all data should be validated as well to prevent things like SQL injection or Cross Site Scripting attacks as well.
Your POCO can have a Uid/Pwd properties. You should be passing around this POCO object betweeen your application layers. So, the MVC UI would be bound to your user object and when submitted the controller would call some method in your BL and perform and business rules (password is valid) on that user object. In order to pass these around between actual layers you need to extract those POCO's out of the main DAL and place them in a separate assembly. These objects are commonly referred to as Domain Objects and you can google Domain Driven development to get more information on that methodology.
Security can be implemented in several different ways within an application, it all depends on the depth of items that you want to cover. The most basic in MVC is to use the Authorize attribute on your controllers classes (google: Securing Your Controller Actions). When your user is authenticated they can be assigned some type of application roles and you can verify if the user has one of these roles using the following format:
[Authorize(Roles = "ModifyUserRoles")]
public ActionResult About()