Hi All,
My requirement is to access .dll file (having c++ methods) from a java web service using JNA.
If I execute my java code as a stand alone programme I am able to access .dll (placed in the same folder as classes files). But if I use the same code in a web service I am getting below error. I placed .dll file in lib bolder of tomcat and axis and also in classes folders.
Exception in thread "main" AxisFault faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server.userException faultSubcode: faultString: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}hostname:shashi-6f1us6pf
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault(SOAPFaultBuilder.java:222)
Please let me know how axis can access .dll files.
Thanks Shashi