First of all, when you create a branch, there isn't a new version on that branch for all files.
There will actually be a branch created for a given file only if that file has a checkout/checkin operation with a config spec set to make that branch.
Now, you can find here (IBM) or here some example of request you can run to find those versions:
cleartool find . -version "brtype(myBranch)" -print
would print all versions in your branch.
If you combine that with a time query:
cleartool find . -version "{created_since(date1) && brtype(myBranch)" -print
, you should get exactly what you want.
The OP adds though:
I'm not looking for elements where my branch was created after a certain date.
I'm looking for elements which have my branch (created on any date) AND have a version on the trunk which was created after I created my branch from the trunk
"element" is the key word here: when you want to list files based on more than one version, you are looking first for "elements" (i.e. files and directories), with (in second) versions matching the relevant criteria.
cleartool find . -element "{brtype(myBranch)" -version "{created_since(date1) && brtype(trunk)" -print
but that would not guaranty the version on "trunk
" has been created after the one on "my_branch
For that you will have to script it, with first:
cleartool find . -element "{brtype(myBranch)" -exec "cleartool descr -fmt \"%n %d\" \"%CMEARCASE_XPN%\"" > afile
, and then use the file to build the relevant find directive for each file and versions found.
You will have to play with fmt_ccase
in order to display a data format compatible with a date query.