



Hello, everyone.

I would like a seperate class to run all of my tests, and then call that class from main to display the results. Unfortunately, I am getting an error like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/dhatt/workspace/pyqt_DALA_ServiceTracker/src/", line 21, in <module>
    allsuite = unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(TestAllSuite)
TypeError: unbound method loadTestsFromModule() must be called with TestLoader instance as first argument (got type instance instead)

How do I change my code so that I can run my tests?

I am using python 2.6.5.

If you find that my testing structure itself also poses a problem (where main calls the main testing class that then calls all my other testing classes), let me know. I am open to suggestions to a better layout of my testing code (the examples off of the internet only give you the very basics when using unittest)

Here is my code from TestAllClass (it is calling other test classes)

import unittest
from TestSettings import TestSettings
from TestConnectDB import TestConnectDB

class TestAllSuite(unittest.TestCase):

    def testsuite(self):
        suite_settings = TestSettings.suite()
        suite_connectDB = TestConnectDB.suite()
        alltests = unittest.TestSuite([suite_settings, suite_connectDB])
        return alltests

and here is part of my main that calls TestAllClass

if __name__ == '__main__':
    allsuite = unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(TestAllSuite)

Here is an example of one of my test classes (if that helps):

from Settings import Settings
import unittest

class TestSettings(unittest.TestCase):
    def suite(self):
        suite = unittest.TestSuite()
        tests = ['test_confirm_ip', 'test_valid_conn','test_correct_location']
        return unittest.TestSuite(map(suite, tests))

    def setUp(self):
        self._test_settings = Settings('/home/dhatt/ServiceTrackerSettings.ini')
        self.ip_add, self.conn, self.digby =    self._test_settings._get_config_variables()

    def tearDown(self):
        self._test_settings = None
        self.ip_add = None
        self.conn = None
        self.digby = None

    def test_confirm_ip(self):
        self.assertEqual((str(self.ip_add)), (''))

    def test _confirm_conn(self):
        self.assertEqual((str(self.conn)), ('conn1'))

    def test_confirm_location(self):
        self.assertEqual((self.digby), (True))

The argument to loadTestsFromModule (in your case TestAllSuite), should be a module, not a subclass of unittest.TestCase:

allsuite = unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(TestAllSuite)

For example, here is a little script which runs all unit tests found in files of the form test_*.py:

import unittest
import sys
import os

%prog      # Searches CWD
%prog DIR   

if __name__=='__main__':
    if len(sys.argv)>1:
    test_modules=[filename.replace('.py','') for filename in os.listdir(unit_dir)
                  if filename.endswith('.py') and filename.startswith('test_')]

    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
    for mod in [sys.modules[modname] for modname in test_modules]:
Ok. Thanks for the clarification. And thanks for the script, I never thought of looking it that way. I'll see how it performs later on with more tests added, but it looks good so far.
Danny Hatt
Also, if I had the 2.7 version of python, I could just do this.
Danny Hatt
@Danny: Thanks for pointing this out. I wasn't aware of ``.