First of all, my database uses Windows-1250 as native charset. I am outputting the data as UTF-8. I'm using iconv() function all over my website to convert Windows-1250 strings to UTF-8 strings and it works perfect.
The problem is when I'm using PHP DOM to parse some HTML stored in the database (the HTML is an output from a WYSIWYG editor and is not valid, it has no html, head, body tags etc).
The HTML could look something like this, for example:
Here is a method I use to parse a certain HTML from the database:
private function ParseSlideContent($slideContent)
var_dump(iconv('Windows-1250', 'UTF-8', $slideContent)); // this outputs the HTML ok with all special characters
$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
// hack to preserve UTF-8 characters
$html = iconv('Windows-1250', 'UTF-8', $slideContent);
$doc->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $html);
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
foreach($doc->getElementsByTagName('img') as $t) {
$path = trim($t->getAttribute('src'));
$t->setAttribute('src', '/clientarea/utils/locate-image?path=' . urlencode($path));
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('object') as $o) {
foreach ($o->getElementsByTagName('param') as $p) {
$path = trim($p->getAttribute('value'));
$p->setAttribute('value', '/clientarea/utils/locate-flash?path=' . urlencode($path));
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('embed') as $e) {
if (true === $e->hasAttribute('pluginspage')) {
$path = trim($e->getAttribute('src'));
$e->setAttribute('src', '/clientarea/utils/locate-flash?path=' . urlencode($path));
} else {
$path = end(explode('data/media/video/', trim($e->getAttribute('src'))));
$path = 'data/media/video/' . $path;
$path = '/clientarea/utils/locate-video?path=' . urlencode($path);
$width = $e->getAttribute('width') . 'px';
$height = $e->getAttribute('height') . 'px';
$a = $doc->createElement('a', '');
$a->setAttribute('href', $path);
$a->setAttribute('style', "display:block;width:$width;height:$height;");
$a->setAttribute('class', 'player');
$e->parentNode->replaceChild($a, $e);
$this->slideContainsVideo = true;
$html = trim($doc->saveHTML());
$html = explode('<body>', $html);
$html = explode('</body>', $html[1]);
return $html[0];
The output from the method above is a garbage with all special characters replaced with weird stuff like Ú�.
One more thing. It does work on my development server.
It does not work on the production server though.
Any suggestions?
PHP version of the production server: PHP Version 5.2.0RC4-dev
PHP version of the development server: PHP Version 5.2.13
I'm working on a solution myself. I have an inspiration from this PHP bug report (not really a bug though):
This is my proposed solution. I will try it tomorrow and let you know if it works:
private function ParseSlideContent($slideContent)
var_dump(iconv('Windows-1250', 'UTF-8', $slideContent)); // this outputs the HTML ok with all special characters
$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
// hack to preserve UTF-8 characters
$html = iconv('Windows-1250', 'UTF-8', $slideContent);
$doc->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $html);
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
// this might work
// it basically just adds head and meta tags to the document
$html = $doc->getElementsByTagName('html')->item(0);
$head = $doc->createElement('head', '');
$meta = $doc->createElement('meta', '');
$meta->setAttribute('http-equiv', 'Content-Type');
$meta->setAttribute('content', 'text/html; charset=utf-8');
$body = $doc->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0);
foreach($doc->getElementsByTagName('img') as $t) {
$path = trim($t->getAttribute('src'));
$t->setAttribute('src', '/clientarea/utils/locate-image?path=' . urlencode($path));
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('object') as $o) {
foreach ($o->getElementsByTagName('param') as $p) {
$path = trim($p->getAttribute('value'));
$p->setAttribute('value', '/clientarea/utils/locate-flash?path=' . urlencode($path));
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('embed') as $e) {
if (true === $e->hasAttribute('pluginspage')) {
$path = trim($e->getAttribute('src'));
$e->setAttribute('src', '/clientarea/utils/locate-flash?path=' . urlencode($path));
} else {
$path = end(explode('data/media/video/', trim($e->getAttribute('src'))));
$path = 'data/media/video/' . $path;
$path = '/clientarea/utils/locate-video?path=' . urlencode($path);
$width = $e->getAttribute('width') . 'px';
$height = $e->getAttribute('height') . 'px';
$a = $doc->createElement('a', '');
$a->setAttribute('href', $path);
$a->setAttribute('style', "display:block;width:$width;height:$height;");
$a->setAttribute('class', 'player');
$e->parentNode->replaceChild($a, $e);
$this->slideContainsVideo = true;
$html = trim($doc->saveHTML());
$html = explode('<body>', $html);
$html = explode('</body>', $html[1]);
return $html[0];