I'm building a Q&A app on Rails with a lot of complex validations (e.g. a user can't vote on his/her own questions, or vote on the same question twice, etc). I've been using Ajax+JQuery to update things on the page if the request goes through, but want to flash helpful error messages if there are problems. While I have no problem with client-side validations like checking to see if a field is blank, the best I can do for something like voting on your own question is prevent any javascript from being executed in the Votes controller, so that the votes counter doesn't update. Like this:
if @vote.save
respond_to do |format|
format.html {redirect_to :back}
respond_to do |format|
flash[:error] = "Sorry, there was an error."
format.html {redirect_to :back}
StackOverflow gives me an error message if I try to vote up my own question, so I know it can be done!