I've been struggling to find a decent RTP stack implementation for Java. JMF or FMJ are not options here as I don't want all the bells and whistles of codecs and audio/video capture; I just need to create RTP streams, dump data in them and read data from them.
I've been using jlibrtp https://wiki.cs.columbia.edu:8443/display/~hgs/jlibrtp+-+Java+RTP+Library but it API is shady, logging is based on System.out and every now and then I get a couple of NPE's.
Also, RTCP support would be nice (again, I'd like to handle the control myself, I just need the API).
So to sum up:
- Clean API;
- "Manual" data handling;
- Decent logging;
- RTCP support;
- No dependencies;
- Optimised for server-side usage (many RTP sessions active at a given instant).
Is there such a library or will I have to code one? ;)