



I need to get a list of cities in french for freebase suggest. I'm trying something like

$(".location_input").suggest({type:'/location/citytown', name: [{ lang: '/lang/fr'}] } );


$(".location_input").suggest({type:'/location/citytown',  lang: '/lang/fr'} );

But it doesn't help this way. Any ideas? Documentations is a bit unclear on this matter

+1  A: 

As far as I can tell from their API (any many attempts here), this just isn't supported.

The lang option seems to only be supported on some of their direct mysql methods, but not the suggest method the plugin/widget uses. I could be wrong, and the status on this may change, but at the time of this answer: it's certainly an unintuitive and undocumented option, if it exists.

Nick Craver
it works perfectly with queries. I hope they implemented it for freebase suggest either.