
Can I export translations of place names from

So I've looked at this use of the freebase API and I was really impressed with the translations of the name that it found. IE Rome, Roma, Rom, Rzym, Rooma,로마, 罗马市. This is because I have a database of some 5000+ location names and I would very much like all French, German or Korean translations for these English names. The problem is I ...

How to get the Freebase Python libraries to work in IronPython

How do I get the Python libraries for using the Freebase API to work under IronPython 2.0? When I "import freebase.api", I get "ImportError: No module named django.utils". What gives? ...

Freebase MQL query for topic summary and image?

I'm trying to write an MQL query to be executed using Freebase API's. I would like to retrieve the topic summary and the image for the topic. I have been able to work out the below query which will get me the images associated with the Bill Gates topic. MQL: [ { "/common/topic/image" : [ { "id" : null } ...

Freebase MQL filter where value != null?

I'm trying to write an MQL query that filters out null values. The query I have now (can be executed using the MQL Query Editor): [ { "/common/topic/image" : [ { "id" : null } ], "article" : [ { "content" : null } ], "name" : "bill gates", "type" : "/common/topic" } ] ...

Write a Freebase MQL query that gets everything back about a given topic?

I want to write a query that gets back everything that is known about a topic (only needs to be one level deep. When working in the Freebase MQL Editor they give the following example for "Everything we know about Jimi Hendrix": { "*" : null, "name" : "Jimi Hendrix", "type" : "/music/artist" } The problem is that the query is b...

How to map subjective data in the semantic web?

I've been looking at the freebase project for storing data. It seems to be a great place to store concrete, objective data like names, locations and dates. Is it a good place to store subjective data like opinions or ratings? Is there another/better open data, semantic data store or strategy for storing and querying this kind of infor...

WCF, JSON, and FreeBase

Hi, I would really appreciate some help on the best way forward with WPF and JSON. Is there any way to query the JSON response below using LINQ? { "code": "/api/status/ok", "result": [ { "id": "/en/exxonmobil", "industry": "Petroleum", "name": "Exxon Mobil", "type": "/business/company" }, { ...

Freebase MQL filter where value == null?

Can get all triples with value null in specific field? All people with date_of_birth equal null? [ "type": "/people/person", "date_of_birth":null, "name":null ] ...

Multiple jQuery functions & Autocomplete

I found that using declaring jQuery Autocomplete as the first function in your script prevents other functions from being executed. The second and third functions below will not work: <script> $(function() { $("#ent_input").autocomplete('get_suggestions', {autoFill: true, scroll: false}); }); // Freebase Suggest $(fu...

Dynamic mql_filter on Freebase Suggest

Is it possible to dynamically add an mql_filter to constrain results from a Freebase Suggest control? $(function() { $("#button").onclick(function() { // add an mql_filter to #film, a Freebase Suggest control }); $("#film").suggest({type:'/film/film'}); }); ...

how to increase freebase API result limit

hi, I can't find anything in freebase's docs about it but it seems they limit the number of results to 100. For example: [{ "type":"/base/popstra/celebrity", "name":null }] Returns only 100 results whereas [{ "type":"/base/popstra/celebrity", return:"count" }] Says there are 6244 results. Does anyone know how to get the re...

Freebase; select a random record?

1) Is there any way to select a random record from Freebase? If I do a limit of 1, it consistently returns the same record. I could grab the larger data set and select a random rec from that but that seems like overkill. Analogous to MySQL's : select * from profiles order by rand() limit 1; 2) Is there any way to tell Freebase not ...

Get Members of Band

If I look at the Freebase page for the band '311', I see Chad Sexton listed. I am trying to query for the members of a band : { "name" : "311", "/music/artist/album" : [{"name":null, "id":null, "optional": true}], "type|=" : ["/music/artist","/music/musical_group...

is free base an open source

is free base an open source api can i use it in any commercial application.... ...

Free base autosuggest

I am using the free base autosuggest i use this code ,,, $("#example1") .suggest() .bind("fb-select", function(e, data) { }); some users details also getting in that suggest how to filter that.... ...

Freebase MQL Test for Not True

I have a simple script that retrieves all of the Freebase types within a domain. Now I want to filter out the CVT types, but I can't figure out how to write that test. If I write it the way that seems most obvious: <acre:script> var q_categories = [{ "id": null, "name": null, "sort": "name", "type": '/fr...

How Can I Retrieve the Types for a Topic

As I understand it, the Freebase taxonomy generally boils down to this hierarchy: Domain Category > Domain > Type > Topic I have an application that receives input and does a bit of natural language processing that spits out a bunch of terms--some useful and some not. In an initial effort to systematically "decide" whether a term is u...

Parsing the Freebase Topic HTTP API - JSON & Javascript

Hi, I am trying to parse a JSON output: I'd like to put the basic data into an array using Javascript. In the "properties" object I'd like to grab any "text" element one level under "properties" as a label and grab the "text" under the "values" object to match t...

Translate JSON MQL queries into SPARQL

Hi, I have a punch of JSON MQL queries to query Freebase. Is there a tool to translate them into SPARQL to use them with OpenRDF Sesame? Thanks! ...

How to configure freebase java client to connect through a proxy?

I am looking for a way to configure the freebase java api to connect to freebase through a proxy. I have set up sytem properties System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "proxy"); System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "8080"); System.setProperty("http.proxySet", "true"); but it doesn't have any effect. Could anybody help? ...