



I am trying to come up with some good examples of IQbservable usage and thought I'd ask if anyone has used it yet, or has any ideas for how it might be used or abused?

EDIT This (IQbservable) is not a typo! (See comments)

+3  A: 

Just like IQueryable lets you not double-evaluate an expression when you chain operations (since you can fetch out the underlying Expression), IQbservable has the same advantages. You can get the complete observable expression, so that you can make custom Rx implementations (just like you can make Linq-to-SQL, Linq-to-XML, Linq-to-Twitter, etc).

Some ideas for IQbservable implementations? How about:

  • Node.js style single-threaded IQbservable, no locks, only a runloop
  • Rx-to-ServiceBus, implementing blocking operations and Schedulers as separate machines and waiting on the results instead of using simple locks and Task items
Paul Betts

Bart De Smet (member of the Cloud Computability team, responsible for Rx) has posted the source code for an IQbservable provider. The details and link to the code are available at

Richard Hein