
Equivalent to LINQ to Events in Scala

Is it possible to do something similar to LINQ to Events in Scala? Is this similar to the new Traversable trait in Scala 2.8? ...

Will there be IQueryable-like additions to IObservable? (.NET Rx)

The new IObservable/IObserver frameworks in the System.Reactive library coming in .NET 4.0 are very exciting (see this and this link). It may be too early to speculate, but will there also be a (for lack of a better term) IQueryable-like framework built for these new interfaces as well? One particular use case would be to assist in pre...

The .NET Reactive Framework, IObservable, and Linq over Events

Has anyone had a good look at the new Reactive Framework? This implementation of "Linq over Events" was apparently distributed with the new Silverlight 3 Toolkit, as a way to manage asynchronous events. This approach seems to be great at handling events. One could attach an IObserver to mouse events and record them asynchronou...

Advantages of .NET Rx over classic events?

.NET 4.0 beta 2 has introduced the IObservable and IObserver interfaces. What are the advantages compared to classic .NET events? Doesn't this solve the same problem? ...

What is LINQ to events a.k.a RX Framework?

What is LINQ to events a.k.a RX Framework aka the Reactive Extensions in .NET 4.0 (but also available as backported versions)? In other words, what is all the stuff in System.Reactive.dll for? ...

Is the Reactive framework available for .NET Framework 3.5?

IObservable and IObserver would be quite handy right now for something I'm working on. Is there a similar set of interfaces and classes available for .NET 3.5? Or must I wait for .NET 4.0 before I can use them? ...

Is it possible to replace traditional event handling in C# with the new Reactive framework?

All examples on System.Reactive.dll I've seen so far deal with Events, EventArgs and EventHandlers, I wonder whether someone can show me an example where event notification is handled without this. For instance, in Microsoft's XNA framework, you have a static method called Mouse.GetState() which will return the current MouseState (with ...

Does the Rx Framework have any use in a web application?

I have been looking at the Rx Framework aslo refered to as LINQ to events. This is definately a great thing but I have been wondering if anyone sees this as having any uses in web applications rather than just normal windows based apps? ...

How does the Reactive Framework (Rx) relate to Tasks in .NET 4?

Asynchronous and concurrent programmings seams to be on everyones minds these days and .NET 4 adds a number of improvements such as built-in thread safe collections and of course tasks. On top of this I've started looking at the Reactive Framework (Rx). Tasks appears to be primarily more focused on concurrency for computation performanc...

Good introduction to the .NET Reactive Framework

Aside from the Microsoft documentation, does anyone know of a good introduction and tutorial to the Microsoft Reactive (Rx) framework? Also, could someone articulate a good example (with code) of a programming problem that is challenging to solve using conventional asynchronous coding techniques that Reactive makes easier. ...

IObservable<T> in .NET Framework 4.0 Beta2

IObservable<T> and IObserver<T> interfaces are placed directly in the System namespace in .NET Framework 4.0 Beta2. Why not in System.Collections.Generic, like IEnumerable<T>? p.s. Reactive Framework preview from Silverlight Toolkit contains IObserver<T> in the System.Collections.Generic namespace. ...

"Push" linq vs reactive framework

(Once again exposing the depths of my ignorance here by combining two concepts which I haven't grokked) I read here about the Reactive framework being a 'Push' model compared to Linq's 'Pull' model. This reminded me of reading an article about 'Push' Linq. Is there really any similarity between these two 'frameworks'? UPDATE Since I ...

Where is the ToObservable extension method?

I see it mentioned here, but I can't work out which using I have to add to get it. (Rolled my own for the moment) ...

Reactive Framework for .NET examples that prove its usefulness

There's been quite some hype around the new Reactive Framework in .NET 4.0. While I think I undestood its basic concept I am not completely sold that it is that useful. Can you come up with a good example (that is halfway easy to understand) that totally shows of the power and usefullness of Rx? Show something that makes life so much eas...

Reactive Extensions (Rx) + MVVM = ?

One of the main examples being used to explain the power of Reactive Extensions (Rx) is combining existing mouse events into a new 'event' representing deltas during mouse drag: var mouseMoves = from mm in mainCanvas.GetMouseMove() let location = mm.EventArgs.GetPosition(mainCanvas) select new { locatio...

Implementing IObservable<T> from scratch

The Reactive Extensions come with a lot of helper methods for turning existing events and asynchronous operations into observables but how would you implement an IObservable<T> from scratch? IEnumerable has the lovely yield keyword to make it very simple to implement. What is the proper way of implementing IObservable<T>? Do I need to...

101 Rx Examples

EDIT: Thanks for the link to the wiki, I think that since its already started there, its easier to go there to check it out. However the question here is also good, so people who are not around the msdn forums get to know about the wiki and where it is. Short Question: Do you have a Sample of Rx Code that could help people understand i...

Using Observable.FromEvent when calling a WCF service in Silverlight

I am trying to use the .NET Reactive Framework to simplify some asynchronous calls to a WCF service used by a Silverlight 3 app that I'm writing. The trouble is that I'm having a hard time finding a way to structure my code in a way that will work. Part of the problem, no doubt, is understanding what mechanisms are available in Reactive...

How can I update UI when Observable.Context is not available?

hello, I have a WinFrom App, use synchronous method to download string from a url, and use Rx ToAsync Method to make it asynchronous and get the observable result, and when the result comes I show it on the Form. Yesterday, I updated Rx to the latest release, and it was told that "Observable does not contain a definition of Context". I ...

Reactive Extensions (Rx) and asynchronous class

I've read in this post: "The joy of Rx: The event-based asynchronous pattern vs IObservable" that the use of EBAP is discourage. What is the best way to design an asynchronous component with the new Rx extensions (something like the PrimeNumberCalculator example of msdn)? Thank you in advance. Update I managed to write my own prime nu...