
What is (functional) reactive programming?

What does it mean in practice? What is non-reactive programming? Wikipedia has quite abstract description of it. ...

Equivalent to LINQ to Events in Scala

Is it possible to do something similar to LINQ to Events in Scala? Is this similar to the new Traversable trait in Scala 2.8? ...

Advantages of .NET Rx over classic events?

.NET 4.0 beta 2 has introduced the IObservable and IObserver interfaces. What are the advantages compared to classic .NET events? Doesn't this solve the same problem? ...

What is LINQ to events a.k.a RX Framework?

What is LINQ to events a.k.a RX Framework aka the Reactive Extensions in .NET 4.0 (but also available as backported versions)? In other words, what is all the stuff in System.Reactive.dll for? ...

Using System.Reactive in .NET 3.5 (in a shipping product)

This question is no longer relevant now that microsoft have released a proper version of the Rx framework on devlabs Original Question I've downloaded the Silverlight 3 toolkit and rebased System.Reactive.dll to work on the .NET 3.5 CLR, and am really enjoying using it. What I'd like to know is, can I ship it? The codeplex site fo...

Reactive Framework for .NET examples that prove its usefulness

There's been quite some hype around the new Reactive Framework in .NET 4.0. While I think I undestood its basic concept I am not completely sold that it is that useful. Can you come up with a good example (that is halfway easy to understand) that totally shows of the power and usefullness of Rx? Show something that makes life so much eas...

Reactive Extensions (Rx) + MVVM = ?

One of the main examples being used to explain the power of Reactive Extensions (Rx) is combining existing mouse events into a new 'event' representing deltas during mouse drag: var mouseMoves = from mm in mainCanvas.GetMouseMove() let location = mm.EventArgs.GetPosition(mainCanvas) select new { locatio...

101 Rx Examples

EDIT: Thanks for the link to the wiki, I think that since its already started there, its easier to go there to check it out. However the question here is also good, so people who are not around the msdn forums get to know about the wiki and where it is. Short Question: Do you have a Sample of Rx Code that could help people understand i...

Has RX Extensions "solved" the problem of complex event driven programming?

I've been using Rx on a new financial analysis project that receives all data asynchronously. I've been pretty amazed at my personal productivity and how much more understandable my event based code is (as opposed to the previous model of event handlers with complex nested ifs and random state variables everywhere.). Has anyone else got...

Examples of useful or non-trival dual interfaces

Recently Erik Meijer and others have show how IObservable/IObserver is the dual of IEnumerable/IEnumerator. The fact that they are dual means that any operation on one interface is valid on the other, thus providing a theoretical foundation for the Reactive Extentions for .Net Do other dual interfaces exist? I'm interested in any exampl...

Rx in .Net 3.5 not Asynchronous?

I am playing with Rx in .Net3.5SP1 and trying the 101 Rx Samples. I am trying the first sample (Start - Run Code Asynchronously) but it doesn't seem to actually run asynchronously. For example, Console.WriteLine("[Creating]"); var o = Observable.Start(() => { Console.WriteLine("Calculating..."); ...

Using MonadPlus in FRP.Reactive.FieldTrip

I'm studying FRP at this moment through FieldTrip adaptor. And hit the problem with strange way of frames scheduling and integration. So now I'm trying to build own marker Event for aligning Behaviour stepping. So... flipflop :: Behavior String flipflop = stepper "none" (xflip 2) where xflip t0 = do t <- withTimeE_ (atTime ...

Is the Reactive Framework (RX) available for use in Mono yet?

Been searching but the only thing I found was which I got to work, but it feels like there should be a simpler way, specially since rx was first release back in mid 09. ...

How to create reactive tasks for programming competitions?

A reactive task is sometimes seen in the IOI programming competition. Unlike batch tasks, reactive solutions take input from another program as well as outputting it. The program typically 'query' the judge program a certain number of times, then output a final answer. An example The client program accepts lines one by one, and simply ...

IConnectableObservables in Rx

Hi there Can someone explain the differences between an Observable and a ConnectableObservable? The Rx Extensions documentation is very sparse and I don't understand in what cases the ConnectableObservable is useful. This class is used in the Replay/Prune methods. ...

How to combine intermediate events in a Reactive Framework stream?

I'm still fairly new to Rx and am having a hard time figuring out how to express this (seemingly) simple subscription. I'm looking for something like this: Start: InTransaction.Where(inTransaction => inTransaction) If: ItemChanged or On FlagChanged, let Changed = true End: InTransaction.Where(inTransaction => !inTransaction) All of t...

How does one create a single instance of Notification<T>?

Using Rx, is there a simple way to create a single Notification<T>? The closest I've been able to find is: T value = ..; var notifyValue = EnumerableEx.Return(value).Materialize().First(); This seems rather roundabout. The constructors for Notification<T> are inaccessible, but is there a factory method that I'm not aware of? ...

Where do I find Observable in VS2010?

I have VS2010 RTM installed and I want to add a reference to the Reactive Framework, I've looked for system.CoreEx and system.Reactive and they are not there. What am I doing wrong? ...

Reactive Framework Hello World

This is an easy program to introduce Reactive Framework. But I want to try the error handler, by modifying the program to be: var cookiePieces = Observable.Range(1, 10); cookiePieces.Subscribe(x => { Console.WriteLine("{0}! {0} pieces of cookie!", x); throw new Exception(); // newly added by myself }, ex => Cons...

Do reactive programming and pi-calculus have things in common?

Do reactive programming and pi-calculus have things in common? ...