
How to use Rx to asynchronously query Twitter search ?

Hi, I'm thinking about using Rx (Reactive Framework) in order to asynchronously query Twitter search API on a given keyword. The sample app I'd like to build should be able to display new tweets in the console. Do you think it is possible to do that ? Would it be simpler than using standard programming techniques ? How would you do th...

How is IObservable<double>.Average supposed to work?

Update Looks like Jon Skeet was right (big surprise!) and the issue was with my assumption about the Average extension providing a continuous average (it doesn't). For the behavior I'm after, I wrote a simple ContinuousAverage extension method, the implementation of which I am including here for the benefit of others who may want somet...

IConnectableObservables in Rx

Hi there Can someone explain the differences between an Observable and a ConnectableObservable? The Rx Extensions documentation is very sparse and I don't understand in what cases the ConnectableObservable is useful. This class is used in the Replay/Prune methods. ...

Reactive Extensions for Java

Is there any equivalent of Reactive Extensions (.NET) for Java? About Rx (Reactive Extensions) Rx is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable collections. I am aware of rule engines such as Drools from JBOSS, but is there some other way that is closer to the Microsoft .NET approach? ...

Real world examples of Rx

I've been playing around with the Reactive Extension for a little while now, but mostly limited to handling/composing user driven events within a WPF frontend. It's such a powerful, new way of doing async programming, and I'm curious as to what other people are doing with it, and where do you think it might be able to improve the way we...

How can I get an IObservable<T> in Rx from a "non-standard" event?

Here's what I mean. Suppose I'm working with an API that exposes events, but these events do not follow the standard EventHandler or EventHandler<TEventArgs> signature. One event might look like this, for instance: Public Event Update(ByVal sender As BaseSubscription, ByVal e As BaseEvent) Now, typically, if I want to get an IObservab...

Using Rx to synchronize asynchronous events

I want to put Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx) to good use and would like to get some input on doing some basic tasks. To illustrate what I'm trying to do I have a contrived example where I have an external component with asyncronous events: class Component { public void BeginStart() { ... } public event EventHandler Started; } ...

How to convert a method that takes an OnError and OnCompleted into an Observable

Hi all, There is probably a really easy answer to this but my brain just isn't working. I have a method I need to call in a framework that is not Observable aware, that has the following pattern. client.GetAsync<TResult>( string resource, Action<Exception> onError, Action<TResult> onCompleted); I need to convert thi...

Rx Reactive extensions: Unit testing with FromAsyncPattern

The Reactive Extensions have a sexy little hook to simplify calling async methods: var func = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<InType, OutType>( myWcfService.BeginDoStuff, myWcfService.EndDoStuff); func(inData).ObserveOnDispatcher().Subscribe(x => Foo(x)); I am using this in an WPF project, and it works great at runtime. Unfortunat...

How to use IObservable/IObserver with ConcurrentQueue or ConcurrentStack

I realized that when I am trying to process items in a concurrent queue using multiple threads while multiple threads can be putting items into it, the ideal solution would be to use the Reactive Extensions with the Concurrent data structures. My original question is at: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2997797/while-using-concurrent...

Is it possible to run Silverlight code using the runtime of the full .NET framework?

To integrate with the current system for continuous integration, we want to use NUnit for testing (non UI) Silverlight code. Doing this means executing Silverlight code using the runtime of the full .NET framework which usually works just fine as long as not actually using Silverlight specific classes such as the visual elements or Depen...

Is it rude to trigger OnNext from different threads in Reactive Extensions (Rx)?

When implementing IObserver yourself, you know how well you would cope with a situation where OnNext is invoked from different threads, concurrently or sequentially, but what are the expectations of the built in Reactive Extension primitives when it comes to this? Will BufferWithTime, for example, cope with OnNext being invoked from mult...

How does one create a single instance of Notification<T>?

Using Rx, is there a simple way to create a single Notification<T>? The closest I've been able to find is: T value = ..; var notifyValue = EnumerableEx.Return(value).Materialize().First(); This seems rather roundabout. The constructors for Notification<T> are inaccessible, but is there a factory method that I'm not aware of? ...

Can Reactive Extensions (Rx) be used across machine boundaries?

Vaguely remember seeing some discussions on this quite a while back but haven't heard anything since. So basically are you able to subscribe to an IObservable on a remote machine? ...

How to throttle event stream using RX?

I want to effectively throttle an event stream, so that my delegate is called when the first event is received but then not for 1 second if subsequent events are received. After expiry of that timeout (1 second), if a subsequent event was received I want my delegate to be called. Is there a simple way to do this using Reactive Extension...

Reactive Framework (RX) and dealing with events Asynchronously

So I'm just playing around with RX and learning it. I started playing with Events, and wanted to know how to subscribe to events, and process the results in batches asynchronously. Allow me to explain with code: Simple class that raises events: public class EventRaisingClass { public event EventHandler<SomeEventArgs> EventOccured; ...

Where do I find Observable in VS2010?

I have VS2010 RTM installed and I want to add a reference to the Reactive Framework, I've looked for system.CoreEx and system.Reactive and they are not there. What am I doing wrong? ...

How to use Observable.FromEvent with static events?

I am trying to use Reactive Extensions to write code to handle an asynchronous call where both the initiating method and the completed event are static. I can't use var languageSetsLoaded = Observable .FromEvent<LoadLanguageSetsCompletedEventArgs>( LanguageManager, "LanguageSetsLoaded") as LanguageManager is a static class rathe...

Desperately need help on Rx.Net

Hi guys i'm very very very new to Rx and trying to put together a simple test app. It basically subscribes to the window click event using Rx and sets the text on a textbox to "Clicked". It's a wpf app. Here's the xaml: <Window x:Class="Reactive.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" ...

Why might System.Threading.dll be missing from Windows\Assembly?

I've various versions of the .NET Framework (versions 1.1 thru 4.0) installed on a remote machine running XP Professional. I've installed Reactive Extension too for good measure. I also have an application which works on my machine because it references System.Threading found here: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Reactive Extensions\redist\...