I was implementing a FIFO queue of requests instances (preallocated request objects for speed) and started with using the "synchronized" keyword on the add method. The method was quite short (check if room in fixed size buffer, then add value to array). Using visualVM it appeared the thread was blocking more often than I liked ("monitor" to be precise). So I converted the code over to use AtomicInteger values for things such as keeping track of the current size, then using compareAndSet() in while loops (as AtomicInteger does internally for methods such as incrementAndGet()). The code now looks quite a bit longer.
What I was wondering is what is the performance overhead of using synchronized and shorter code versus longer code without the synchronized keyword (so should never block on a lock).
Here is the old get method with the synchronized keyword:
public synchronized Request get()
if (head == tail)
return null;
Request r = requests[head];
head = (head + 1) % requests.length;
return r;
Here is the new get method without the synchronized keyword:
public Request get()
while (true)
int current = size.get();
if (current <= 0)
return null;
if (size.compareAndSet(current, current - 1))
while (true)
int current = head.get();
int nextHead = (current + 1) % requests.length;
if (head.compareAndSet(current, nextHead))
return requests[current];
My guess was the synchronized keyword is worse because of the risk of blocking on the lock (potentially causing thread context switches etc), even though the code is shorter.