I want to make a pop-up page that contains a listbox-type (multiselect) control which will return the selected IDs to the page that initiated the pop-up.
This is an ASP.NET web application / C# 3.5 / Latest jQuery.
I understand how to make the pop-up page with the corresponding controls, but I am unsure about the best way to approach sending an array of item IDs back to the parent page.
Is there a way I can leverage JSON, or some other technology to get these item IDs back to the parent page? At this point in time, I am only familiar with using session variables / querystrings / calls to web services to pass items from page-to-page.
The one-dimension array will most likely be either ints or strings, but there can possibly be over 40 items selected from the pop-up page.
High-level concepts only needed. I can research the exact implementation, once I know what I am looking for.
Thank you so much!