Howdy, I am a programmer that has worked almost exclusively with c++/c#/vbs and am just now entering into the world of Android development. I am running into a few issues that I cant seem to find answers for/ dont want to watch lengthy tutorial videos to find out so I figured I would ask here and get a quick answer.
I dont know if this is the best way to do this, so I am open to any suggestions.
I need some custom data containers for my program, lets say I want an 'Achievement' class so I can have an array of them!
now in C# I would do something like
public class Achievment
bool locked;
string achName;
string achSubName;
public Achievement(string name, string subname)
//ctor code goes here
Thats not everything I would need but thats the idea of the data layout I would like. However when I try to make a custom class in Eclipse it is all up in my grill about 'Public type achievement must be defined in its own file?' I'm writing this in the application's .java file... Is there somewhere else this should go? I am so confused. Basically java may as well be swahili to me... I like my intuitive c# layouts!
Like essentially I want to store my data separate from my UI, and when I generate an 'Achievement List' it looks at the current user's achievement array and populates from there. Good, bad?
Any answers that are not in the form of a redirect to a tutorial are much appreciated!